About Heartland Hub

Heartland Hub, formerly Missouri Hub (MOHub), is an unincorporated affiliation of institutions which seeks to improve for the benefit of the public the visibility and relevance of digital collections offered online in Missouri, Iowa, and throughout the Midwest. Heartland Hub aggregates information about digital objects and serves as conduit for passing these descriptive records to the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA)—which assembles datasets of metadata that make content discoverable through a single search interface and open platform for developers. Check out our FAQ.


Our partners share all or part of their digital content with DPLA. You can browse their content through links to each repository, below, or visit the Heartland Hub portal at DPLA.

Contributing Institution Link to Repository Technology
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis https://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ custom system
Kansas City Public Library https://kchistory.org/ Islandora
Linda Hall Library http://lhldigital.lindahall.org/ ContentDM
Missouri Botanical Garden Peter H. Raven Library custom system
Missouri Historical Society* http://mohistory.org/collections custom system
Missouri Digital Heritage http://www.sos.mo.gov/mdh/ ContentDM
Missouri State University http://digitalcollections.missouristate.edu/ ContentDM
Saint Louis Public Library https://cdm17210.contentdm.oclc.org/ ContentDM
Saint Louis University http://cdm.slu.edu/ ContentDM
Springfield-Greene County Library District Missouri Digital Heritage ContentDM
State Historical Society of Missouri https://shsmo.org/collections/digital ContentDM
University of Missouri – Kansas City http://dl.mospace.umsystem.edu/umkc/ Islandora
University of Missouri – St. Louis http://dl.mospace.umsystem.edu/umsl/ Islandora
Washington University in St. Louis http://digital.wustl.edu/ Omeka
Drake University http://content.library.drake.edu/ ContentDM
Iowa State University https://digitalcollections.lib.iastate.edu/ Islandora

*Formerly known as the Missouri History Museum

Steering Committee

Heartland Hub has a formal governance structure as described by its bylaws.  The work of Heartland Hub is guided by a steering committee made up of individuals from partner organizations.  Our current roster, approved by membership 11/30/23, includes:

Chair Rebecca Benson, Missouri Botanical Garden
Vice-Chair Levi Cullifer, Missouri Historical Society
Past Chair Davina Harrison, St. Louis Community College – Meramec
Past Chair Jill Gremmels, Dean, Cowles Library, Drake University
Secretary Bettina Fabos, Fortepan US and University of Northern Iowa
Community Representative Megan Oliver, University of Missouri – Kansas City
Community Representative Janet Croft, University of Northern Iowa
Missouri State Library Representative (ex officio) Robin Westphal
DPLA Signatory Representative (ex-officio) Emily Jaycox, Missouri Historical Society